Ovenized Quartz Master Oscillator


The 9500 delivers the best stability performance available in a commercial quartz oscillator.

The 9500 is a high performance oven-controlled quartz crystal oscillator that produces a highly stable, low noise reference frequency output. It is particularly suited to space applications, and can be used as the on-board frequency reference for a satellite or its ground station.

High performance

The 9500 features an SC-cut quartz resonator which along with its sustaining electronics is completely enclosed in an insulating dewar and then kept at a precisly controlled temperature. The result is excellent short-term stability, phase noise and aging characteristics.

Ruggedized for Satellite Installations

All EEE parts on the 9500 are selected in accordance with MIL-STD-975/PPL-21 for Grade 1 or Grade 2 applications, and are procured from approved QML/QPL sources of supply.

Key features

  Output Frequency: 4 MHz - 25 MHz

  Power Consumption: <3.6W @ 25ºC

  Size: 4.25" x 6.0" x 8.62"

  Space Qualified and Radiation Rated to: >100 kRad

  Frequency Aging @ 5MHz: <5.0E-11/Day, <1.5E-8/Year


The 9500 satisfies a range of applications including:

  Navigation payload frequency reference

  GPS space borne frequency reference

  Land-mobile system frequency reference

  Satellite system on-board frequency standard

  Remote station primary frequency standard


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Amtest-TM Kft. (HU) - Attila Polgar Amtest PL (PL) - Dariusz Koziello Amtest-TM ELTH srl (RO) - Bogdan Valcea ADELANTEST Ltd (RUS) - Igor Kozlov GIGA Electronic Ltd. - Danail Georgiev OÜ Est-Doma (EST) Promix Ltd. (UA) - Oleksandr Labuzov Vildoma (LT, LV)

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