DCOAX Dual, Low Noise, Coaxial Cable Optimized For Three-Terminal Capacitance Measurements


DCOAX - Dual, Low Noise, Coaxial Cable Optimized For Three-Terminal Capacitance Measurements

Very high precision, three-terminal capacitance measurements can be affected by the self-inductance of the test cables, mainly at higher capacitance values. Magnetically induced noise can also reduce the quality of measurements. The cable now offered by Andeen-Hagerling both minimizes these problems and provides a way to standardize the residual self-inductance. High precision calibration measurements can now use a standard one meter length of test cable to minimize and standardize cable induced errors.

Outstanding Features

  • Low triboelectric noise
  • Minimizes self-inductance at frequencies below 1 MHz
  • Minimizes the enclosed area to reduce pickup from magnetic fields
  • Rib on one half cable allows easy identification
  • Shielding is 100% using foil and copper braid construction
  • Center conductor is equivalent to 20 gauge to minimize resistance
  • Good flexibility makes it suitable for test leads
  • Easily zippable


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