GenRad 1864 Megohmmeter

GenRad 1864 Megohmmeter

  • 200 Test Voltagesfrom 10 V to 1090 VDC
  • Rugged and Portable Analog Megohmmeter
  • Up to 3% Accuracy
  • 50 kΩto 200 TΩ MeasurementRange
  • ReliableHighQuality Instrument Designed to Last up to 30 years
  • SuggestedEquipment in Boeing ServiceBulletinsfor DC-10, 747 and others
  • SelfContained, Portable Carrying Case
  • Large, Direct Reading Front Panel Meter
  • Maximum of 5 mA ChargeCurrent
  • Analog Output


TheGenRad 1864 Megohmmeteristhechoicefor more demandingapplications. The test voltagecanbe set to anyvaluefrom 10VDC to 109VDC in 1-voltsteps and to 1090VDC in 10 volt steps. ThustheGenRad 1864 canbe set to anycommon, oruncommon test voltageforceramic, micaorpapercapacitors, orotherdevices. The reverse resistanceofrectifierscanbereadilymeasured; thelow test voltages are especiallyuseful in measuring solid statediodes. Anadditionalrange on the 1864 Megohmmeterpermitsmeasurements up to 200 TΩ (2 x 1014Ω)


Stability ofcalibration in theGenRad 1864 Megohmmeterismaintainedby useof a four-transistor unity gainamplifier. In addition, no warm-up drift isencountered, and highzero stability ismaintainedduringoperation.  Humanengineering has not beenoverlooked in theGenRad 1864 Megohmmeter as evidenced by thewarninglightthatisactivated by theapplicationofthe test voltage. The 1864 employees a Measure/Charge/Dischargeswitch and provisionfor performance grounded and ungroundedmeasurements.


TheGenRad 1864 Megohmmeteriseasy to use with direct-reading meter indication and lightedrangeswitchthatshowsthemultiplierforeachrange and voltage. The maximum currentpossibleattheterminalsis limited to a 5mA and a panel lightneartheterminalswarnswhenvoltageispresent.


Stablepowersupplies and feedback voltmetercircuitminimize drift and timewastingadjustments. Guard and groundterminalspermitmeasurementofgroundedorungroundedtwo- orthree-terminalresistors. Theinstruments are supplied in a convenient, portable, Flip-Tilt case thatis a standforthe meter in use and protectsit in transit and storage


SomeGenRad 1864 MegohmmeterApplications

  • TestingInsulationResistanceofWire and Cables
  • TestingInsulationResistanceofCeramic, Mica, Paper and OtherCapacitors
  • Measuring Reverse ResistanceofRectifiers
  • Testing Solid StateDiodes


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