GPS- 2600 a GPS 2650

GPS- 2600 a GPS 2650

100 MHz DOCXO-based GPS Disciplined Oscillator

The GPS-2600 and GPS-2650 are 100 MHz Double-Oven OCXO-based GPSDO’s. The GPS-2600 covers a temperature range of -25°C to +75°C, while the GPS-2650 covers an extended range of -25°C to +85°C. Aimed at radar applications requiring a high-stability, low-phase noise reference, these units have all the firmware capabilities of the GPS-2000. The built-in distribution amplifier provides two 10 MHz outputs, seven 100 MHz outputs, and three 1 PPS outputs, all with high isolation. The double-oven reference oscillator allows for excellent holdover performance.




Key Features


  • High-performance GPS Receiver
  • Small footprint and low profile: only 1.5” x 4” x 0.8”
  • Excellent holdover stability
  • Built-in Distribution Amplifier for multiple outputs at both 100 MHz and 10 MHz
  • Low phase noise and very low phase noise floor at 100 MHz
  • 1 PPS output accuracy of ±30 ns to UTC RMS (1-sigma), GPS-locked



  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s)
  • IED Jammers – fixed, mounted, dismounted
  • Radar Systems
  • Satellite Communications terminals
  • Aircraft Guidance Systems
  • Tactical Radios
  • Underwater systems using GPS for initialization


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