Wed 23.08.2017
New in AccuMac product range - AM1758 Gradient PRT
AM1758 is specifically designed to measure vertical gradients of dry blocks or dry wells.
The length of the sensing element is only 6 mm, which allows for AM1758 to measure the detailed temperature changes inside the dry wells with pin point precision.The short sensing element has adopted many of AccuMac's PRT technologies to offer a high level of stability across the temperature range from -200 °C to 670 °C. A uniquely designed support structure and filling material provides excellent balance between the hysteresis effect, mechanical shock and thermal
shock performance.It has long been a challenge for temperature calibration labs across the world to measure gradient of a dry block. With a 6 mm sensing element AM1758 meets the challenge and requirement such as the one from The Euramet Calibration Guide CG-13 Version 3.0 about "CALIBRATION OF TEMPERATURE BLOCK CALIBRATORS"
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