Fri 10.03.2017
AMPER 2017, 21. - 24. 3. 2017, BVV Brno, Amtest-TM s.r.o. hall V, booth No.V 1.15
Dear business partners,
Hereby we would like to invite You for visit of our booth at 25th International Trade Fair of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation, Communication, Lighting and Security Technologies AMPER, which will run at 21st - 24th March 2017 at the Brno Exhibition Centre:
HALL V, booth No. V 1.15
We are going to present a lot of new and interesting products from measurements, calibration and testing devices, which is successfully used in many sectors of metrology, industry, electronic development, repair centers and education. Here is brief overview:
Kambic Metrology - calibration oil bath OB-7/2, volume 7l with great parameters, like stability ±0.001 @ 50°C or ±0.002 @ 100°C or ±0.006 @ 250°C and uniformity <±0.007@ 100°C. More information about parameters you can find in the datasheet.
Here would be great opportunity to see, set and measure on presented calibration bath, or make discussion about another modification of this bath, or other products, like climatic/temperature chambers. Alternatively we can offer autoclaves, dryers, vacuum chambers, chambers for flowers, etc.
Custom changes of standard products are available at minimal costs.
AccuMac - standard temperature sensors SPRT (Quartz or Metal-Sheath), Secondary Reference PRT, Precision Industrial PRT, Full Immersion PRT or Reference Standard Thermocouple, successfully used in calibration laboratories or in industry. Standard Digital Thermometer Readout AM8010.
Omicron-Lab - unique Vector Network Analyzer model Bode 100 with accessories for detailed analysis of circuits, components, or many other various applications, like complex gain, complex impedance and admittance, reflection coefficient and return loss, ultrasonic and piezo-electric systems, stability of control circuits such as DC/DC converters in power supplies, swept S-parameters of electronic circuits, group delay characteristics of your DUT, frequency dependent impedance of high Q-circuits like oscillating crystals, influence of termination on amplifiers or filters, reflection and adaptation of antennas
We will be also presenting new product SPECTANO dedicated for dielectric material (solid, liquid) analysis.
Schuetzinger - wide range of measuring accessories (adapters, cables, probes) and sealing compound SILA 605 (Schraubensicherungslack). Here is link for catalogue.
Batemika - thermometer readout (4 channel) or Bridge mA-meter
And surely other products:
Acksen/Electrocorder - Loggers of voltage, current, power and other derived values, types EC7VAR (3-phase) and CT-2VA (1-phase).
API Weinschel - microwave accessories (attenuators, terminations, adapters, etc.
GEMS Sensors - sensors and switches of pressure, flow, level, solenoid valves. Complete catalogue here.
IET Labs - resistance, capacitance and inductance decades, LCR bridge type 7600Plus
Measurements International - resistance standards, automatic resistance bridge
Picotest - 6,5 digits multimeters (M3500A, M3510A), Signal generator G5100A, Programmable power supplies P9610A/P9611A, Frequency counter U6200A
Microsemi - NTP server S600, GPS Disciplined Oscillators, Miniature atomic clock CSAC.
We can offer free tickets to those interested and to our business partners upon registration.
In order to be able to properly serve our customers, we offer opportunity to reserve meeting to exact date and time. By this will be assured maximal care and discussion dedicated to customer without any rush or influence of exhibition.
More information on contact above.
We are looking forward to meet you.
Map of exhibition centre:
Floor plan of hall V with Amtest-TM booth:
Photo of the Amtest-TM booth:
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