M3500A replacement for Keysight Model 34401A DMM

Wed 26.04.2017

M3500A replacement for Keysight Model 34401A DMM

M3500A replacement for Keysight Model 34401A DMM

Many customer has observed, that Keysight Model 34401A DMM has been discontinued from December 1, 2016. (see information from KEYSIGHT here)
To solve the issue using ATE system or other working lines which were only set up avalibility with 34401A, PICOTEST M3500A can completely provide the good connection and compatiblity on them.

Users don't need to spend time re-writing their program or get familiar with it. On the other hand, if users would like to find an economic and efficient way to replace 34401A, PICOTEST M3500A is also a good alterative choice.


34401A replacement




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