ThinkSync (08/2011) - E-newsletter Symmetricom

Tue 23.08.2011

E-newsletter ThinkSync (08/2011) Symmetricom provides information about PTP solving High Speed Trading´s Timing Problem, Timekeeping Kety to payment Card Security standards and Setting your elecric clock.


E-newsletter ThinkSync (08/2011) Symmetricom provides information about:

1. PTP solving High Speed Trading´s Timing Problem - In today's hyperkinetic financial markets most trading is actually done by algorithms running on high-speed computers over very fast networks. Milliseconds count, as machines are much faster than people at anticipating prices moves and executing trades. Precise timing is therefore critical, not only for trading, but also for testing new algorithms prior to deployment

2. Timekeeping Key to payment Card Security standards - Reports of stolen credit and debit card information have been much in the news recently - stolen either from individuals or from companies such as merchants and payment processors.

3. Setting your elecric clock. - Few Americans may know it, but most electric clocks that plug into the wall for power rely on that power not just to run, but also to keep accurate time. Now the U.S. power industry is conducting a test to determine what will happen if utilities abandon their traditional role as America's "electric clock."

For more information visit please ThinkSync (08/2011)

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