Time for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Wed 07.02.2024

Time for Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Time for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) requires massive amounts of parallel data processing and the results must be accurately ordered in time to enable effective Machine Learning (ML). Due to the volume of data, multiple servers in multiple locations are used to process the information and they must overcome communication latency by synchronizing to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) with sub-microsecond precision. When the link to UTC is lost, the 5071B Cesium Primary Time and Frequency Standard can maintain nanosecond accuracy for days or months until a reliable link is reestablished.

The 5071B cesium beam tube technology relies on the same proven technology that has been the backbone of UTC, the 5071A series, since 1993. When determining which clock to use for AI applications, make the intelligent choice by selecting the most trusted atomic reference. 

Time for AI


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